BrainStorm Gets FDA Approval For New Experimental Drug To Treat Progressive MS
The Israeli-American biotechnology company is also currently conducting a Phase III clinical trial for the treatment of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS).
December 18, 2018
Beyond The Ice Bucket Challenge: Israel’s ‘NurOwn’ May Become The First Real Treatment For ALS
As the Ice Bucket Challenges takes over the Internet, it may be time to get to know what's really being done to treat ALS. BrainStorm's 'NurOwn' stem cell treatment has already shown remarkable success and is now on its way to medical trials in the US.
August 31, 2014
Five Israeli Biotech Companies Using Stem Cells To Change The Face Of Medicine
Stem cells, so-called "blank cells", can evolve into any kind of cell in the human body, thus making them perfect for medical purposes. Here are five Israeli companies that are changing the face of medicine with pioneering stem-cell applications.
February 10, 2014
Stem Cell Discovery May Lead To New ALS Treatment
The reality of ALS is painful. It's a condition that causes the muscles to degenerate gradually, leading to death with several years. An Israeli study is now showing significant results in what may be a breakthrough for sufferers of the neurodegenerative disease.
September 09, 2013
Rabbi With ALS Able To Walk And Talk Again After New Treatment
Israeli Channel Two audiences last night were moved to see an ailing rabbi, who had been diagnosed with ALS, able to walk and talk again after being treated with Brainstorm's 'NurOwn.'
July 03, 2012