Israelis On ‘Mars’: Astronauts To Simulate Life On Red Planet In Desert Habitat
In February, six Israeli astronauts will head to the Desert Mars Analog Ramon Station in Mizpe Ramon for a taste of the Red Planet life.
January 30, 2018

Israeli, Canadian Researchers To Collaborate On Brain Studies
Postdoctoral fellows from Ben-Gurion University and Dalhousie University in Halifax to pursue studies on new treatments for brain injuries and diseases
November 26, 2017

Wisconsin Water Council Inks Deal With BGU Water Institute
November 2, 2017 | The Wisconsin Water Council signed an agreement with Ben-Gurion University‘s Zuckerberg Institute for Water Research during a trip to Israel by Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker this week who was leading a trade mission to strengthen collaboration with the midwestern state. Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, in the southern city of Beersheba, […]
November 02, 2017

BGU Undergrad Wins Intl Robotics Award
March 23, 2017| Shir Kashi, an undergraduate student at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev won the best Late-Breaking Report award at the 2017 Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI) in Vienna, Austria earlier this month. Kashi, a research assistant in Dr. Shelly Levi Tzedek’s Cognition, Aging and Rehabilitation (CAR) Lab, presented the results of her study on people playing the […]
March 23, 2017

BGU’s Dr. Yonatan Dubi Awarded Krill Prize
March 23, 2017| Ben-Gurion University of the Negev’s Dr. Yonatan Dubi of the Department of Chemistry is to be awarded the prestigious Krill Prize from the Wolf Foundation for excellence in scientific research. The prize will be presented at a ceremony to be held next week. Dubi was part of the US-Israel collaboration with Prof. Bingqian Xu of the […]
March 23, 2017

BGU, Cincy Child Hosp. Launch Needle Co.
June 26, 2016 | Ben-Gurion University of the Negev (BGU) and the Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center have announced the formation of Xact Medical, a new company that will seek to commercialize the Fast Intelligent Needle Delivery (FIND) system. The FIND system uses robotics and ultrasound to guide and insert a needle into a patient’s body. This […]
March 09, 2017

Israeli Researchers Develop Method To Catch Smartphone Thieves In 14 Seconds
Ben-Gurion University researchers were able to tell whether a smartphone user is the owner or not - in a matter of seconds.
February 19, 2017

Genetically Modified Bacteria Could Eat Away The World’s Massive Plastic Problem
By 2050, the weight of plastic in the ocean will equal the weight of the fish in it. To the rescue come Israeli-developed bacteria that could literally eat up plastic bottles!
January 22, 2017

Hand Over The Keys: Virtual Breathalyzer Uses Advanced Tech To Curb Drunk Driving
A new Israeli-designed virtual breathalyzer, based on how you move and walk, could potentially keep intoxicated drivers off the road and save lives.
December 27, 2016

For Obese Airplane Passengers, Shaming Is Worse Than Tiny Seats, Study Shows
Confined space is not the biggest problem for obese people boarding an airplane; humiliation is.
May 26, 2016

Why Do Successful People Become Corrupt? Winning Leads To Dishonesty, New Study Finds
The dishonest behavior “stems from an enhanced sense of entitlement among competition winners,” Israeli researchers say.
February 08, 2016

Breakthrough Israeli Research Improves HIV/AIDS Treatment, Could Lead To Cure
In recognition of World AIDS Day, NoCamels reporters spotlight groundbreaking Israeli studies on HIV/AIDS.
December 01, 2015

Oldest Human Skull Outside Of Africa Discovered In Israel
A 55,000-year-old skull found in an Israeli cave indicates that modern humans migrated from Africa to the Middle East, then to Europe and Asia.
February 11, 2015

Putin Is A ‘Romantic Loner’ And Obama ‘Mistrustful’ According To Israeli Personality Algorithm
Ever wonder what politicians are really thinking? Ben Gurion University researchers have developed an algorithm that can identify 'hidden elements' of politicians' states-of-mind when they are giving a speech.
August 26, 2014

The Upside Of Suburbia: Green Spaces Found To Significantly Increase Child’s Birth Weight
Mothers who live near green spaces deliver babies with significantly higher birth weights, according to a new study by Ben Gurion University.
August 25, 2014