Study: Breastfed Babies Are Less Likely To Develop ADHD
Many studies have said breastfeeding positively impacts on child development and health, including protection against illness. Now, researchers from Tel Aviv University have shown that breastfeeding also helps protect against ADHD.
July 31, 2013
Study: ADHD Medicine Can Reduce Risk Of Falling In The Elderly
ADHD medicine is designed to improve concentration and is primarily used by by children and young adults. But a recent study has shown that these same medications can also benefit the elderly to help them maintain balance.
July 26, 2013
Research: Kids With ADD Much More Likely To Be Visually Impaired
A new Medical study conducted in Israel shows a strong correlation between Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) and significant vision problems in children, adding evidence to a long-contested question.
July 07, 2013