
Non-toxic Solution Keeps Bugs Out Of Food
If you've ever been disgusted by the sight of a winged creature flying out of a newly opened box of cereal or other packaged food, read on. Israel's Bio[pack] makes a package coating from plant extracts already programmed by nature to repel insects. It can also be sprayed around the perimeter of warehouses.
September 11, 2011

New Superconductor Fibers Carry 40 Times More Electricity
Borrowing a fiber of sapphire from the Oakridge National Lab in Tennessee, scientists at Tel Aviv University developed a superconducting wire barely thicker than a human hair that conducts 40 times the electricity of its copper brethren.
September 11, 2011

Electric Bacteria Turn Wastewater Into Energy
An Israeli company has developed an innovative system to treat wastewater with the help of sewage-eating bacteria. Emefcy, producer of Israeli bio-energy systems, says its system minimizes the energy consumption for wastewater treatment.
September 07, 2011

New Fish And Insects Introduced To Jordan River For Rehabilitation Project
The rehabilitation of the Jordan River in Israel will be starting next week. The project will include work along the entire length of the river that flows within the Israeli territory and will introduce new fish, plants, insects and animals to the river's ecosystem.
September 05, 2011

Israeli Pump Technology Uses Air To Heat Water Instantly
An Israeli startup has come up with an innovative technology to heat water, by using air. Hydra is an intelligent heat pump that delivers energy to heat water in large complexes such as hospitals and hotels and works with the traditional system to reduce costs and pollution.
August 24, 2011

Disabled Recycle Billboards Into Design Products
The city Kefar Saba in Israel is initiating a project to recycle used billboards. Every year, thousands of plastic billboard are being hung across the city. In the framework of the project, the city will collect the used billboards and deliver them to a factory that employs people with special needs to recycle them.
August 24, 2011

Gadget Attaches To Faucet To Measure Each Use Of Water
How many drops of water does it take to wash your hands, or a single glass? Bware, a new Israeli Patent by a2design, is a simple digital device to be installed on any faucet and can count in real time the amount of water in liters or gallons for every use.
August 23, 2011

Discovery Of Gene In Barley Shows History Of Water-To-Land Plants
A genetic mutation in wild barley growing in the Judean Desert – discovered by an international team from Haifa University in Israel – has shown how the transition of aquatic to land plants created life on the terra firma as we know it today.
August 08, 2011

Turning Waste Into Green Material
A method to use paper mill waste to produce ecologically friendly, industrial foams from renewable resources has been developed by a graduate student in agriculture at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
August 03, 2011

Israeli Company Brings Light To Third World Countries
Many third world countries have complete lack of street lighting, making it extremely dangerous to drive in anything but clear and sunny conditions.That is why Globe Light and Water Systems, an Israeli company, has developed a new standalone light fixture that relies solely on solar energy and LED lights, rather than on the government-run power plants.
August 02, 2011

Israeli Water Purification Device Returns To Earth
Among the passengers aboard the Atlantis space shuttle’s final voyage was an Israeli biomedical water purification device, which was undergoing initial tests for use in zero-gravity, outer space conditions.
July 24, 2011

New System Tells You How Much Electricity Every Plug In Your House Is Using
Do you know how much electricity each device in your house is using? Panoramic Power, an Israeli company, has invented a mechanism it says can measure each electric plug and appliance to help reduce electricity bills.
July 19, 2011

Vultures Gossip About Location Of Food, Study Shows
Have you ever visited a great restaurant and then told all your friends about it? You are not alone. A new study in Israel discovered that vultures are "gossiping" about food and communicate information about worthy eating locations.
July 13, 2011

Coffee Shops Across Israel Turning Into Eco-friendly Book Shops
A network of second-hand bookshops is springing up all over Israel, but not where you’d expect. Israelis no longer have to visit librarians to find cheap copies of great books. Instead, they can just pop into one of their favorite cafes.
July 03, 2011

Israel Plans To Spearhead Transition From Oil To Alternative Fuels
Judging by a recent national plan, approved by the government, Israel is planning to become one of the most advanced research and industry centers in the field of oil substitutes for transportation.
June 29, 2011