By 3

Israeli ‘See The Truth’ Chatbot Fights Deniers Of Hamas Massacre
Enraged by the denial of the Hamas massacre of hundreds of men, women and children in southern Israel on October 7, an Israeli programmer decided to create an AI chatbot that would educate people questioning the shocking truth of what happened. Yuval Avidani, who has been working in information technology and cybersecurity for nearly two […]
November 28, 2023

Israeli Tech Deters Distracted Drivers In New Italian Pilot
Israeli tech that prevents distracted driving will be used in a new pilot carried out by System Logistics, an Italian manufacturer of automated warehousing that operates worldwide. The SaverOne system prevents drivers from accessing distracting apps such as ones for instant messaging, while allowing others (such as those used for navigation) without user intervention. The […]
November 28, 2023

German Health Firm Enlists Israeli 3D Printer To Boost CT Imaging
German healthcare company Siemens Healthineers has teamed up with leading Israeli 3D printing firm Stratasys to improve computed tomography (CT) imaging. Stratasys will produce tailored CT phantoms – specialized models simulating areas of the human body that are used to ensure correct functioning of CT scanners and to allow medical practitioners to assess the radiation dose […]
November 28, 2023

Despite Attack, Southern Israel Startup Delivers On EV Batteries
An Israeli automotive startup was busy completing its first major contract with car giant Volvo when its team was caught up in the October 7 attack by the Hamas terror group, which killed 1,200 people in southern Israel. Carrar has developed a new way of automatically cooling electric vehicle (EV) batteries, by more effectively dissipating […]
November 26, 2023

Israeli Startup Begins New CBD Trial To Treat Autism Symptoms
An Israeli startup will be using its proprietary cannabidiol-based therapy in a new clinical trial to treat symptoms experienced by autistic children. SciSparc’s SCI-210 therapy combines cannabidiol (CBD) with the fatty acid palmitoylethanolamide (PEA), which is used to treat pain and swelling. The new trial, which will take place at Soroka Medical Center in the […]
November 26, 2023

Israeli And UK Firms Team Up To Fight Financial Cyber Attacks
An Israeli startup is joining forces with a UK-based cyber firm to help combat the rising digital finance security threats faced by businesses. EverC uses automation and AI to detect online money laundering as well as fake, illegal and dangerous products and services. Under its new partnership with Foregenix, which provides cybersecurity solutions for the […]
November 23, 2023

App Offers Israeli Women Sympathy, Sisterhood In Wartime
A new app has created a virtual sisterhood for thousands of women across Israel, giving them a safe space to share their experiences, their problems and even just their thoughts – particularly in wartime. The Soli app allows users to anonymously express their state of mind and their feelings, called Moods on the app, ranging […]
November 22, 2023

Creator Of ‘World’s Most Advanced’ Generative AI Raises $208M
AI21 Labs, an Israeli company that develops advanced AI technologies to solve complex problems, has raised $208 million in its latest funding round, bringing its valuation to $1.4 billion. The Tel Aviv-based startup is the creator of Jurassic-2, a generative AI service that can be used to build text-based applications like virtual assistants, chatbots, text […]
November 22, 2023

Startup Combating AI Threats Pulls In $6M Seed Funding
An Israeli startup that provides cybersecurity solutions for companies that utilize generative AI and thereby risk exposing their data has emerged from stealth with seed funding of $6 million. Lasso Security can identify which generative AI and large language model (LLM) tools are being used, and monitor every employee that uses them and what data […]
November 21, 2023

‘Point And Click’ Drones Helping Protect IDF Soldiers In Battle
Advanced drones that can be operated in combat without any training are helping to save the lives of the Israeli soldiers fighting against the Hamas terror group in Gaza, allowing troops to access dangerous areas without physically going into them. The Israel Defense Forces is using universal software developed by Tel Aviv-based company XTEND that […]
November 20, 2023

Israeli AI Device Helps People Read And Understand Any Text
Israeli company OrCam has released the newest version of its device that uses AI to read aloud any text at which it is pointed, helping people with vision loss and others who experience difficulty reading. The new OrCam Read 3, which is about the size of a highlighter pen, can read multiple forms of text […]
November 20, 2023

From Parenting To Practicalities: Baby Forum Evolves For Wartime
Israelis struggling during the country’s ongoing war with Hamas have found support from an unexpected quarter – an online platform for new parents that now also offers access to a range of free services from temporary housing and professional counseling to babysitting and home-cooked meals. The Jama website was created to help guide new parents […]
November 16, 2023

Spanish IVF Clinics Introducing Israeli AI Fertility Tool
An Israeli artificial intelligence startup that helps women with in-vitro fertilization (IVF) cycles will be implementing its technology across fertility clinics in Spain. Fairtility’s CHLOE (Cultivating Life Through Optimal Embryos) technology uses AI to assess the viability of a woman’s embryos throughout her IVF cycle, a medical procedure in which the egg is fertilized outside […]
November 16, 2023

Startup Offers New Solution To Money Laundering ‘False Alarms’
An Israeli fintech startup that uses AI to rule out legitimate customer transactions and help banks focus on suspicious activity has raised $13 million. Refine Intelligence prevents false alarms by asking customers for relevant information, such as the source of the funds used for the transactions, that often get flagged by the anti-money laundering monitoring […]
November 15, 2023

AI Campaign Gives Voices To Israeli Kids Held Hostage By Hamas
“I want to go home,” pleads three-year-old Yahel Shoham – one of dozens of Israeli children held captive by Hamas – in a haunting video currently being shared on social media. But Yahel did not make the video from her captivity in Gaza. Instead, it is the work of a campaign to raise awareness of […]
November 14, 2023