By 25

Sensors Prevent Flooding Of City Streets
An Israeli city is installing wireless sensors in its drainage systems to prevent flash floods. They track the water level and send an alert if there’s a blockage or danger of flooding. The sensors are providing the municipality of Herzliya, in central Israel, with constant updates on what’s happening in its underground drainage system. The […]
February 21, 2023

$1B Funds For Alternative Protein In Israel
Israel’s alternative protein industry attracted over $1 billion of investment in the last two years, second only to the USA, according to a new report. While Israeli tech overall experienced a 42 percent decrease between 2021 and 2022, investments in food tech companies fell by just 18 percent, according to The Good Food Institute (GFI) […]
February 20, 2023

A Robotic Mobile Home For Bees
An Israeli startup has launched a smaller, lighter version of its autonomous beehive, so farmers can move it around to pollinate their crops. The new Beewise hive, called the BeeHome 4, fits on an ordinary forklift. It uses AI-powered precision robotics, cameras and sensors to treat pests, feed bees, and prevent swarming, and needs minimal […]
February 20, 2023

Same Juice, Same Taste, But 30 Percent Less Sugar
There’s nothing like starting the day with a glass of freshly-squeezed orange juice. The problem is that it contains five to eight teaspoons of sugar, nearly as much as can of Coke. Technology has already been developed to reduce the sugar in fruit juices by mixing in additives, but the process also reduces its nutritional […]
February 19, 2023

Groundbreaking Treatment For Alzheimer’s Disease
A new treatment for Alzheimer’s Disease has been developed in Israel. When tested on mice, it promoted the healthy growth and functioning of neurons – the cells responsible for communication between the brain and the body. Researchers at the Ben-Gurion University of the Negev have developed a small molecule – which they call VBIT-4 – […]
February 19, 2023

Look Into My Eyes: Women Better At Reading Emotions
Women are better than men at looking into a person’s eyes and understanding what they’re feeling. Over 300,000 participants were presented with 36 pictures of the eye region of a human face and were asked to pick one of four answer choices describing the emotion they were seeing. In most countries (36 out of 57), […]
February 19, 2023

AI Filters Out Female Harassment In Video Games
Artificial intelligence is combatting the online harassment women suffer while playing video games. Many experience objectifying comments, and even threats to rape or kill, during online gaming conversations through their headsets. Audio Studio technology, created by Israeli startup Dataloop, monitors their exchanges and eliminates inappropriate words. It annotates audio recordings, meaning it turns it into […]
February 16, 2023

Smoke Free: Israeli Veterans Get Cannabis Inhaler
Israeli veterans can now inhale prescribed medical cannabis from a cartridge, instead of smoking it. The Ministry of Defense has signed an agreement with Syqe Medical, developer of the technology, to supply its specialized inhaler. Veterans suffering PTSD or chronic pain can control the amount of cannabis they inhale, with no need to handle the […]
February 16, 2023

Passwordless Authentication Startup Raises $53M
An Israeli startup that lets users sign into apps without passwords has raised $53 million. Descope verifies users through their unique fingerprint, retina scan, or magic links – clicking an emailed link rather than typing in their username and password. The company says the benefit for app developers is that they can go live within […]
February 16, 2023

Israeli Startup Launches Hydrogen-Powered Drone
An Israeli startup has launched its first hydrogen-powered drone. HevenDrones builds drones that can be piloted for humanitarian, military, infrastructural, and commercial uses. Its uses range from product delivery to defense missions, emergency response, and infrastructure repair. Its new drone model, the H2D55, is the first of three hydrogen-fueled products that will be released over […]
February 15, 2023

Mobileye CEO Leads $750M Investment In Chinese EV
Amnon Shashua, CEO of autonomous driving tech company Mobileye, has led a $750 million financing round for a Chinese EV (electric vehicle) manufacturer. He did not disclose the amount that was invested, but sources say it could be tens of millions of dollars. Zeekr, the company he invested in, manufactures electric vehicles and is now […]
February 15, 2023

AI Text Creator Helps Write Your Website
Wix, the Israeli company that helps small businesses build websites, has launched an AI text creator. The user can request a near-instant selection of titles, taglines and paragraphs of text for their site from a few simple prompts. “Our deep understanding of website content like the right text length, important information to highlight and the […]
February 14, 2023

Non-Stop Robot Startup Raises $7.5M
A startup that provides warehouse robots with a non-stop power supply has raised $7.5 million in funding. CaPow keeps robots operating and eliminates battery changes and charging stations by transmitting power from strips of stickers on the floor. Its energy system consists of an internal receiver, a power bank, and stickers placed on the bottom of […]
February 14, 2023

Turning Blue-Green Algae Into A Smoked Salmon Superfood
Walk into any health food store and you’ll see shelves lined with vibrant blue-green powders and pills that are packed with protein, vitamins, and minerals. Known as spirulina, this highly-nutritious algae has been used as a health supplement in the West for decades. But back in 16th century Mexico, the Aztecs actually used it as […]
February 14, 2023

Israel’s Leading Technological Institute Hacked By Cyber Group
Israel’s leading technological institute has been the victim of a cyberattack from a group that says it opposes an “apartheid regime” and the sacking of computer experts. The group, which is calling itself DarkBit, has hacked the computer servers of the Technion Institute of Technology, in Haifa, and claims to have transferred all of the […]
February 14, 2023