By Translation by Yadin Katz

A Dip In The Dead Sea Great For Diabetics, Study Shows
Researchers at the medical departments of Ben-Gurion University and the Soroka Medical Center in Israel found that a short dip in Dead Sea waters leads to a significant decrease in the levels of sugar in the blood and could improve the medical condition of diabetics.
August 31, 2011

Discovery Of Gene In Barley Shows History Of Water-To-Land Plants
A genetic mutation in wild barley growing in the Judean Desert – discovered by an international team from Haifa University in Israel – has shown how the transition of aquatic to land plants created life on the terra firma as we know it today.
August 08, 2011

Vultures Gossip About Location Of Food, Study Shows
Have you ever visited a great restaurant and then told all your friends about it? You are not alone. A new study in Israel discovered that vultures are "gossiping" about food and communicate information about worthy eating locations.
July 13, 2011