By Jordan Miller

Swifto: The High-Tech Dog-Walking Service That’s Taking Manhattan By Storm
Israeli startup Swifto allows dog owners in Manhattan (and soon in San Francisco and Boston) to track their dog's walk using a mobile app with GPS locator. The app also sends owners real-time text message updates even a photo of the pup enjoying his walk!
July 21, 2013

Imonomy Will Find Pictures To Match Your Content For Free
Those looking for cheap and copyright-free images for their website know that is no easy task. Imonomy is a startup that matches copyright-free images to your content for free – and automatically inserts them into your text.
July 10, 2013

Amblyz: The Cool Way To Treat ‘Lazy Eye’ In Children
About three to five percent of kids suffer from amblyopia, better known as "Lazy Eye." The new Amblyz eyeglasses now mean there is another solution than the uncomfortable eye patch or eye drops – and they look good while doing it!
July 09, 2013

Dan Shechtman Talks To NoCamels About Winning The Nobel Prize And The Future Of Education
It takes a specific kind of character to convince the entire scientific community that they're wrong. Galileo did it, Darwin did it and not long ago Israeli scientist Dan Shechtman did it. Now the Nobel prize laureate is taking on the education establishment in Israel.
July 01, 2013

Multi-Faith Partnership Strives To Improve Health Of Palestinian Children
If there's a field where objective considerations outweigh political ones – it's medicine. Now, a multinational, multi-faith project aims to bring better medicine to Palestinian kids.
June 13, 2013