By Johnathan Leow

Sol Chip Creates The Everlasting Solar Battery
Limitless power has long been a dream for mankind. But when it comes to technology, sometimes baby steps are needed before the giant leap. Israeli Sol Chip has made one such step with its rechargeable solar-powered battery.
July 22, 2013

Kitchenbug Will Tell You The Pros And Cons Of All Your Recipes
We know about the little tables with nutritional facts on the back of food boxes, but do we understand them? And what about home-cooked meals? Israeli startup Kitchenbug makes it easy to know the nutritional value of home-cooked meals.
July 17, 2013

InSightec’s Solution Will ‘Cook’ And Destroy Tumors In the Body
The excision of tumors from the body often means complicated surgery with serious risks. InSightec, an Israeli biotechnology company, is working on a product that could mean the destruction of tumors without a single incision by "cooking" tumors inside the body.
July 04, 2013

AutoTalks Will Put Car To Car Communication On The Road By 2015
Human error is still the primary cause of traffic accidents. Israeli company AutoTalks is therefore enabling cars to "talk" to each other and warn drivers of potential accidents. The company envisions that by 2015 the first cars manufactured with these talking chipsets will be on the market.
June 13, 2013