By David Shamah for Israel21c

MicroPointing: Israeli Company Develops World’s Smallest Mouse
An Israeli startup's 1x1 mm mouse could take a starring role in everything from mobile to medical technology as design goes smaller. Applications could range from tiny mouse-controlled medical devices inside the body to gaming devices with two micro-mice positioned to let player's thumbs control the action.
June 04, 2011

Israeli Start-Up Uses iPhone To Report Dangerous Drivers
Thanks to Israeli cell phone application developer Zemingo, dangerous drivers are now getting their just desserts. Drivers who install the Traffic Observer app on their iPhones will be able to record and report offensive road behavior
February 15, 2011

Israeli Startup Aims to Prevent the Next Wikileaks
Following Wikileaks, an Israeli startup created a document technology that prevents unauthorized individuals from opening and reading files, alerting managers when a document's security is compromised and automatically blocking usage if unauthorized use is suspected.
January 19, 2011

Painless Injections: An Alternative To Needles
An Israeli company has spent a decade perfecting a drug delivery system that takes the needle out of your arm, and the dread out of going to the doctor.
January 08, 2011

A new solution to deteriorating eyesight
A new monofocal lens now being developed in Israel could solve the problems experienced by people wearing bifocal and multifocal glasses.
January 07, 2011

Israel Raises Fish In The Desert
With fewer fish in the sea with each passing year, Israel's Grow Fish Anywhere has found a way to grow them in the desert.
December 30, 2010

Software deciphers your mood to suggest movies
An Israeli software company has developed a unique and advanced 'video genome' that reads, understands, and classifies movie 'genes,' helping you to easily find the film that suits your mood.
October 23, 2010