By Associated Press

Boxing Connects Young Israeli Arabs And Jews
Israel Boxing Association aims to bring peace between Jews and Arabs through boxing. Jewish and Arab teens from the North of Israel train and compete together, and some even become friends.
July 17, 2012

Iranian-born Israeli Music Icon Rita Sings New Album In Persian
Israel's most popular female singer Rita has released an album in Persian, as a tribute to her country of origin - Iran. "I'm combining Hebrew and Persian so much together and I am showing that it is possible," she says.
July 05, 2012

Israel Plans Nationwide Network Of High-Speed Next-Generation Internet
In the coming months, Israel’s state-owned electric company hopes to rolli out a nationwide, high-speed broadband network. Exploiting the small size of the densely populated country, the effort aims to put Israel at the forefront of the next generation of Internet technology.
January 30, 2012

How Many People Wrote The Bible? Israeli Software Aims To Answer Question
Software developed by an Israeli team is giving intriguing new hints about what researchers believe to be the multiple hands that wrote the Bible. The new software analyzes style and word choices to distinguish parts of a single text written by different authors.
July 06, 2011