By Amelia Tan

ECOncrete Builds Piers That Protect Coastal Lines And The Environment
People love the ocean. It is a source of food, transport and fun. However, the human rapport towards coastal lines has claimed its toll on the ecosystem. Israeli company ECOncerte is hoping to change that.
September 10, 2013

Lightapp Is Making Factories Energy-Efficient And Greener
Roughly half of the world's energy is consumed by the industrial sector. Israeli company Lightapp is helping companies manage their energy consumption efficiently and reduce their carbon footprints.
August 07, 2013

Israel’s BioHug Creates Hightech Vest That Offers Hugs To Relieve Stress
Sometimes you just need a hug to calm you down. Unfortunately, sometimes the people who need hugs the most are the ones afraid of human contact, such as people suffering from autism. An Israeli vest may be the right solution.
June 17, 2013