The Israel Innovation Authority has partnered with a number of government ministries to invest over 100 million shekels in the creation of nine Israeli innovation centers across the country.
The innovation centers will be located in less centralized parts of Israel, from the north to the south, in order to encourage entrepreneurship and high-tech development in those often-overlooked regions.
The IIA is working on the initiative with the Ministry of Economy and Industry; the Ministry of the Negev, Galilee and National Resilience; the Ministry of Environmental Protection; the Ministry of Agriculture; and the Ministry of Regional Cooperation.
The nine centers encompass a range of international corporations, investors, regional clusters, and associations, with the overarching goal of encouraging the growth of new startups.
The centers will focus on startups in the fields of agritech, foodtech, renewable energy, green construction, water technology, climate tech and healthtech.
Each of these centers will receive an accumulated grant of up to 15 million shekels over five years.
“The centers selected in the national competitive process among dozens of excellent proposals, and in unprecedented cooperation with various government ministries, will enable the expansion of the entrepreneurship cycle and the employment of high-tech throughout the country and across all sectors, while demonstrating Israeli resilience and the ability to continue innovating, creating new growth engines for the Israeli economy,” said Israel Innovation Authority CEO Dror Bin.
The centers are:
Galileo Studio Ventures: A center in the Eastern Galilee and Golan with an emphasis on agritech and foodtech;
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SubscribeSeaNovation Eilat: A center in the Eilat-Eilot region that emphasizes biotechnology and marine agriculture;
Built Environment Innovation Center: A center in the Western Galilee with an emphasis on green construction and built environment;
Northern Climate Synergy: A center in the Kinneret, Golan, and Emek region that focuses on agritech, water, climate, and artificial intelligence;
Techlinic: A center in East Jerusalem that emphasizes health technologies;
DAROM Innovation Center: A center in the Eastern Negev with an emphasis on renewable energy technologies and advanced industry;
Technological Center for Security and Resilience in the Western Negev: A center in the Gaza border region and the Western Negev that will emphasize on national security and nutritional resilience;
DesertTech and Climate Innovation Center: A center in Be’er Sheva and the Negev and Arava region with an emphasis on climate technology and desert agriculture;
Innoveastech: A center in the West Bank region, partnering with local educational institutions and businesses
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