Face.com, the leader in online face recognition technology, yesterday released the production version of their iPhone camera app, KLIK 1.0. KLIK uses real-time mobile face recognition to automatically detect faces, and even identify friends in photos allowing users to easily tag and share photos of their friends.
The app automatically identifies your friends by name before or after you take their photo. In most cases, KLIK can identify the person in the frame before snapping the photo, and the name will then appear directly over their face in the camera’s viewpane.
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The production release of the application incorporates a new Learn mode that allows users to instantly train the system and improve recognition. Learn mode acts as a training mechanism helping KLIK to better recognize that face for future recognition and tagging. It also serves as a means for manually adding someone to the group of recognizable faces.
Face filters
In addition, KLIK incorporates new custom photo filters, called “Face Filters,” designed specifically around photos with faces. While most photo filters apply their effects to the entire photo, regardless of its content, Face Filters are dynamic based on the location, size and number of faces in a photo.
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SubscribeThe company also offers a platform for developers and publishers who wish to instantly integrate social networks, photo sharing sites and search engines. By using the platform they can automatically detect and recognize faces in photos and create their own original apps that leverage the facial recognition technology, algorithms and access to tagged faces.
To use the app, users need to configure it with their Facebook account, so that it can have a database that serves to identify their associates and friends. If KLIK can’t figure out who someone is, users can manually tag them and the app is can then recognize them in future images.
Photos taken with KLIK can also be shared on Facebook and Twitter or via email. The app also offers feeds of nearby photos and friends’ photos, tagging photos from the camera roll, and social sharing to Facebook, Twitter, email, and publicly on KLIK itself.
KLIK has a some of privacy levels built-in, as the app will only identify people a user has previously tagged or people in a user’s social network who have already agreed to connect and share with the software’s owner.
Face.com was launched in 2007 and has offices in Tel Aviv and New York.
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