Ever since Smartphones entered our lives, our entire approach to technology has changed. Having designated mobile apps in our pockets at all times allows us easy access to search engines, online applications and endless sources of information. But even all of this state of the art technology is not always enough. On the contrary, an overflow of information may even be more confusing than helpful. That is why a new Israeli startup is setting out to redefine the way we search and find our information.
Do@ , an application for the IPhone platform, offers an online Application Search Engine, as opposed to the familiar standard “blue colored” links with short descriptions we are used to seeing on the Google searches. The idea is quite simple: After entering the subject of the search, Do@ scans all other existing apps out there, and gives you the information you were looking for without ever needing to install any other applications.
For example, if you are looking for information on a specific movie and you don’t have any cellular applications like IMDB (Internet Movie Data Base) or Flixster, all you need to do is look for it using your Do@. The app will scan all major movie databases and give you the information you need, thereby avoiding unnecessary downloads.
Another creative addition of Do@ is the Social Radar, which allows users arrange and navigate between the different search results according to his or hers preferences and connections in social networks. But the most innovative aspect of the app is its display. No more old-school text results, but full images and videos of the apps.
Do@ was founded in 2010 by three Israeli entrepreneurs – Ami Ben David, Joey Simhon and Rami Kasterstein. Within the first year of its establishment, the company received $7 million in funds from the two investors, DFJ and BRM Group. In May 2011 Do@ was featured in TechCrunch’s Disrupt and won the first place along with another startup.
The Do@ team says the app was created because they believed the mobile search field to be inadequate. “While mobile web browsing is somewhat a desktop type of browsing (blue textual links) in a smaller screen, the mobile users expect something else and we believe that there is a mobile-based solution,” Simhon told Israeli website NewsGeek.
The company decided to focus on search within apps, not the web.
They say Do@ is also a better way for content providers to connect with users via personalized search results. “We seek to combine the fast pace and simplicity of mobile searching with the comfort of apps – a full screen experience that was developed by the content provider that specializes in a specific subject,” Simhon explains.
Besides using Do@ for optimized searching, it can be a great tool for experiencing new apps. Browsing through the categories can introduce users to new applications and how to use them, the company says.
Their application is currently available only to the United States AppStore users but more updates and platforms are in progress.
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