Israel and Germany have agreed on a combined project to clean Lake Victoria in Kenya, which suffers from severe pollution. The cooperation was agreed in a meeting between Israeli Foreign Minister Danny Ayalon and German Development and Economic Cooperation Minister, Derrick Nevil.
Ayalon and Nevil recently signed an agreement to tighten the cooperation between the two countries and to help third world countries.
The Lake Victoria project is one of the first to result from the agreement. Lake Victoria is one of the Nile river’s sources, with Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania surrounding. The lake is a strategic resource for the residents, but in the past years the lake has become highly polluted, affecting nearby populations.
“In days where we are witnessing instability in countries as a result of economic and social gaps, aid is becoming urgent more urgent than ever in order to strengthen the social-economic viability of developing countries. The aid provides a horizon for development, thriving welfare and stability,” Ayalon said.
“Israel and Germany took an important step in improving the quality of life of residents of three countries located around Lake Victoria,” added Ayalon. In addition, he said, “International aid is the most effective of all diplomatic tools.”
To read the whole story in Hebrew click here
Translation by Lee Golan
Photo By Lukas Bergstrom
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