Once the exclusive realm of a handful of computer geeks, over the last five years social media networks have been transformed into an Internet phenomenon with hundreds of millions of members.
Businesses across the globe are aware of the potential inherent in these networks to connect with customers, but few have been able to take full advantage of the ever-growing databases belonging to websites like Facebook and Twitter.
Now a groundbreaking product, developed by Israel’s on-line marketing service provider Valueshine, is set to revolutionize the way social media is utilized by the corporate world.
Valueshine’s Tier-x software enables companies to turn every customer into a business partner, generating their own profits through the power of social media networking.
These partners are able to bring in more customers, and earn money, through the simple marketing power of personal recommendations. Customers use social networks such as Facebook and Myspace as well as email accounts like YahooMail and GMail to invite friends to join their mini-network.
The gaming industry has been the first to jump in. Six months after Tier-x’s January launch, Valueshine has already built a bespoke version for leading online poker site Noblepoker.com, owned by British-based Internet gaming conglomerate PartyGaming.
Called the Noble Partners Program, it is the first time ever that players are able to earn consistent dividends from online poker even when they’re not playing. This innovation is taking the Internet gambling world by storm.
To read the whole story click here
Via http://www.israel21c.org
Photo by webtreats
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