Take a look inside Tel Aviv University’s recently completed Porter School of Environmental Studies, or what experts are calling “Israel’s Greenest Building”! Construction of this state-of-the-art building began in December 2011, and reached completion just last month. Here, Tel Aviv University environmental science students can work toward finding sustainable solutions to global problems in one of the most eco-friendly buildings in the world.
Axelrod-Grobman Architects, Chen Architects, and Geotectura worked together to carefully design an interior which optimizes natural lighting and ventilation. The building maximizes its use of renewable energy without generating waste. Under-floor heating produces just enough warmth to keep rooms at a comfortable temperature, but not enough to heat vacuous spaces.
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The principles of smart ecology embodied in the “EcoWall”
The three-story “EcoWall” helps protect the building from noise, pollution, and excess sunlight. This feature has multiple functions, generating thermo-solar energy that heats water and activates the building’s air-conditioning system independent of Israel’s energy grid.
The EcoWall also has built-in terraces and labs, promoting an atmosphere of collaboration between students, professors, and visitors. The building is also equipped with a computer-controlled LED light surface that projects information and data that is even visible from Israel’s busiest highway, Tel Aviv’s Ayalon Freeway.
Rave reviews from the green community
During the design and construction phase reviews, PSES got high scores from the U.S. Green Building Council, and it seems the building is on track to achieve LEED Platinum – the absolute highest environmental certification possible. The Porter Building serves as an example of sustainable development, and proof that buildings can be environmentally responsible and aesthetically pleasing too!
Photos: Yossef Cohen
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