The hacking of the Associated Press’ Twitter account just a few days ago — a false tweet said the White House had been hit by two explosions and that Barack Obama was injured — is more proof, if any was needed, that password-protection offers little … protection.
While many online companies, such as Facebook and Google, have introduced steps such as two-step verification to protect our personal information, these are still easy to bypass for experienced hackers.
But some say the revolution in online protection might come from a different perspective: biometrics.
Some companies have introduced biometrics such as face recognition and fingerprint identification as means of protecting items such as laptops, but there’s no such solution for services accessed online. Israeli company BioCatch just might have a simple, yet secure solution.
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The company writes: “Each person interacts with a computer slightly differently. Whether it’s the way we move our mouse pointer or the tiny differences in our reaction speed, no two people use a computer the same way. Herein lays BioCatch’s trick.” It tracks our behavior and analyses it to see if it’s really us or someone pretending to be us.

BioCatch describes the technology: “Say you’re making an online or mobile payment. As you interact with the application, BioCatch injects a subtle deviation that is too small for you to notice, but requires correction, and the way you correct is individual to you.”
The company’s solution is available for both mobile and web platforms. BioCatch was founded in 2011 by Benny Rosenbaum (CEO) and Avi Turgeman (CTO), who were later joined by co-founder Uri Rivner (VP Business Development & Cyber Strategy). It has raised $2.6 million to date.
Photo: BioCatch
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