If you are trekking in nature and come across an unfamiliar flower, instead of whipping out your heavy book about plant species, you can now simply use your smart phone. A new application, called “Bar-Code Flower,” allows you to take a picture of the flower with your mobile phone, which can then tell you what species you have found.
The application, developed Aeid and Walid Ismaeil, is one of the green apps developed by design and technology students at the Ariel University Center in Israel and will be presented in the innovation booth in an upcoming clean-tech exhibition.
Another application, called “I Have a Green Idea,” allows people to submit their ideas for green solutions and search other people’s concepts. One group of students at the university created the app called “Fatal Recycling,” a game targeting children under the age of seven that challenges them to sort various products into different recycling bins.
“The projects that will be presented in the exhibit show the connection between the green world and the advanced technology world, and the endless possibilities hidden in implementing content through the cellular,” said Dr. Yocheved Pinchasi-Adiv, of the Ariel Design and Technology Center. According to Pinchasi-Adiv, the different projects represent original and innovative ideas, which students in the design and technology departments developed, on their way to getting their engineering degree.
The clean-tech exhibit will be held on July 15th, in Israel’s Trade Fairs and Convention Center. As part of the exhibit there will be a series of conventions dealing with water technologies, renewable energy, recycling, green construction, green transportation, energy efficiency and other.
Photo by Incase
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