An Israeli cleantech company will be providing water purifying systems to Peru and is in talks to do the same in England and South Africa after it invented a unique device.
The Israeli “Mapal Green Energy” company will be providing water purifying systems for sewage water to SEDAPAL Company in Peru’s capital city, Lima. The company will be providing systems for 18 different sewage purifying facilities working in the Peru’s capital city’s area, which has a population of 9 million residents, following the installment of a Mapals’ pilot in a sewage purifying facility in Lima.
According to Dudi Azuri, CEO of Mapal: “In addition to Peru, Mapal is in progressed contacts in a few countries, among them England and South Africa, where the Mapal technology is suitable for purifying water in mines.” Mapal is receiving financial assistance from the Industry, Trade and Labour Minister of Israel through the foundation for aiding Israeli cleantech companies.
Technology for improving the oxygen supply to the biological process
One of the most expensive procedures in a purifying facility is the energy needed to power the fans that providing oxygen to the biological cleaning process. The technology of Mapal, which is internationally patented, is made of floating mobile units which allow flow of little and gentle air bubbles into the water and can fully replace the fans. Since the system isn’t installed on the floor of the reservoir, it’s possible to match it to every purifying facility. According to Mapal, the operational and maintenance costs barely exist – they promise a reduction of 80% in maintenance costs – since their floating mobile units do not require emptying the pool or reservoir.
The manufacturer reports that in addition, the system prevents environmental pollution since polluted water isn’t disposed into creeks or the sea while fixing the system, as often happens.
The Peruvian company chose Mapal after trying other technologies wthat failed to address the Peruvian purifying needs.
The Future of Sewage Purification
Mapal says that the global sewage purification industry will spend a total amount of $95.1 billion on maintenance work alone in the year 2016, much higher than the $77.5 billion spent in 2007 – an increase of 20 percent. In addition, the global yearly investment in the sewage purification industry is predicted to grow by 95 percent, from $26.7 billion in 2007 to $52.2 billion in 2016.
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Translated by Lee Golan
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